We regularly coordinate submissions to government to promote our network’s position on tertiary education, research and regional development policies.
RUN Submission to the Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality and Integrity) Bill 2024Download
RUN Submission to the Higher Education Support Amendment (Response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report) Bill 2023Download
RUN Submission to the Inquiry into the use of generative AI in the Australian education systemDownload
RUN Submission TEQSA’s Draft Guidance Note: Research requirements for Australian universitiesDownload
RUN response to the review of Excellence in Research for Australia and Engagement and ImpactDownload
RUN submission on the draft legislation to implement the Australian job-ready graduates packageDownload
RUN response to the consultation paper on the reallocation of commonwealth supported places for enabling, sub-bachelor and post-graduate coursesDownload
RUN response to ACOLA’s discussion paper, enhancing research outcomes from Australia’s regional rural and remote universitiesDownload
RUN response to the consultation paper: Growing International Education in Regional AustraliaDownload
RUN submission on the higher education support amendment (cost recovery) bill 2018 and the higher education support (charges) bill 2018Download
RUN submission to the inquiry in the indicators of, and impact of, regional inequality in AustraliaDownload
RUN submission on the BCA’s paper Future Proof: Protecting Australians Through Education and SkillsDownload
RUN submission on the consultation paper driving innovation, fairness and excellence in Australian higher educationDownload
RUN submission on consultation paper Sharper Incentives for Engagement: New Research Block Grants ArrangementsDownload
RUN submission to the consultations on the promotion of excellence in learning and teaching in higher education (PELTHE) redesign consultationsDownload
RUN submission to the senate rural and regional affairs and transport references committee inquiry into the future role and contribution of regional capitals to AustraliaDownload
Submission to the senate education and employment legislation committee inquiry into the higher education and research reform bill (HERR) 2015Download
Submission in response to the government’s discussion paper boosting the commercial returns from researchDownload
Submission to the senate education and employment legislation committee on the higher education and research reform amendment (HERRA) bill 2014Download
Submission to the Australian graduate survey review from RUN – a combined response to the three discussion papersDownload